Monday, October 8, 2012

Our Thinking While Reading

While reading last week, we opened a Wallwisher wall, where students were able to post any thoughts that come to mind as we read aloud.

As you can tell by the number of posts, we were thinking about a lot!

The next time we read aloud we wanted to structure the use of the wall more, so we wrote in our notebooks, then when we were done reading for the day, students chose one significant comment to share on the wall.

We followed this with a discussion about the uses of sharing our ideas, and students almost all agreed that the second way we used Wallwisher was more advantageous because, "We thought more about what we were going to share." Our conversation also highlighted that it might be even better if we can organize our posts.

After spending some time in class addressing the questions and comments that had been posted we continued reading, and writing about our thinking. Students continued to write their thoughts in their notebooks, and after I finished reading they discussed headings for the next wall, then we began posting. Here is what our third wall looked like!

As you can see, we grouped our ideas. This will help us as we have our next discussion about Ivan, Stella, Ruby, Mack, and even Bob.


  1. Hi!
    My name is Boss. I'm gold fish.
    I love to eat fish food.So I eat a lot then my friend.
    I become fat and big then my friend.
